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Emergency Medical Services

Today the Emergency Medical Service Division operates three ambulances around the clock. A forth ambulance was added under Mayor Barse’s administration. It works during the 12 heaviest call volume hours. This is called a power shift. A field supervision component is strong in ongoing quality improvement. It exceeds minimum state standards and aptly answers calls at the national standard for response times. The community views Vineland EMS as an asset. VEMS has the support of the governing body when needed to carry out its mission of providing pre-hospital emergency medical care.

In 2003 the State of New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services recognized Vineland EMS as the Public Provider of the year. Several of Vineland’s EMTs have received personal nominations for state recognition as well. Millard Hahn was recognized by the state as EMT of the year. EMS Chief Kelly Soracco began as Chief on July 1, 2020 following in succession of Chief Al Lincks (retired) who served Vineland EMS for over 38 years, and whose name has become synonymous with Vineland EMS.

How To Become An EMT

Get certification by completing the appropriate course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation to the level of the professional rescuer.

Red Cross in Vineland, NJ – 856-691-2265
Inspira Healthcare Network – 856-641-8000

Get Emergency Medical Technician certification by completing the appropriate course.

A list of training centers and upcoming classes can be found in the State of New Jersey, Department of Health and Senior Services website: Click Here

If you have National registry certification or are certified in another U.S. state, information on reciprocity can be found here: Click Here

If you need help or more explanation contact: Chief Kelly Soracco of City of Vineland Emergency Medical Service Division at 794-6185.

Positions @ Vineland EMS


The following is a summary of what is required to become a Vineland Emergency Medical Service Emergency Medical Technician. This is only a set of notes to answer the most often asked questions. A Vineland Emergency Medical Service Supervisor or the Chief can explain how these items apply to individual circumstances. When in doubt of whether you meet the standards, please call for an explanation. We are happy to talk with you. This is only a general guideline. We expect to hire and to refuse to hire people that appear and don’t appear to comply with the guidelines below.

Current NJ Emergency Medical Technician Certification

This certification must be current and must be from NJ. Only NJ certification is acceptable. This is a requirement of the NJ Department of Personnel.

Current Certification in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

This certification needs to be acceptable under NJ law for BLS providers. Courses like CPR for the Professional Rescuer and BLS-C are what is needed. These classes cover one and two person resuscitation techniques as well as care for infants and children.

  • Current license to operate a motor vehicle that is valid in NJ
  • Good driving record
  • Clean criminal record
  • Mental, physical, and intellectual capability to perform the job


  • Apply via the NJ State Department of Personnel procedures, if in effect
  • This is a Civil Service position. When we have a current “Civil Service” list, we will hire the people on the list before those who are not.
  • PREPARE A CITY OF VINELAND APPLICATION: Applications are available in the Personnel Department, 5th floor of City Hall. Vineland City Hall is located at 640 Wood Street (Located at the corner of 7th and Wood streets in Vineland, NJ. The application should be filled out completely including the names, addresses, and telephone numbers for three references. The City of Vineland Employment Application can be found at:
  • RESIDENCY: Residents of the City of Vineland are given preference when applicants are considered for employment. When all other things are equal residents are also given preference on promotions.
Click Here for the City of Vineland Job Application

CONTACT US AT 856-794-4000, ext. 4773.


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