As is in most municipalities, the City of Vineland requires the owner intending to sell one-family, two family or multi-family dwelling units to obtain a Certificate of Inspection prior to sale and settlement. If the property is a duplex, the owner should contact the Vineland Zoning Department prior to listing the property to ensure it is a conforming duplex. If a property is being sold in as-is condition, short sale, or if the home is vacant, an inspection is still required by the owner/seller before the transfer of ownership. If the home is inhabitable or in need of repair, a Certificate of Transfer (CTT) may be issued to the new owner for the abatement of any issues noted during the inspection of the home.

As soon as a settlement date is determined, an application for resale should be filed at the Fire Administration building located at 400 W. Plum St. Vineland NJ. The applications are in triplicate form. A sample “Residential Resale Dwelling Application” can be viewed by Clicking here.
Check, cash, or money orders are accepted. The fee charged corresponds with the date of filing the application in relation to the settlement date. Therefore, the earlier one applies, the cheaper the fee. The inspection will ensure that all units are meeting minimum safety requirements. Owners who sell a property without obtaining an inspection prior to the sale, run the risk of delaying settlement and receiving fines.
Click here for a list of the requirements needed to pass the inspection. Please be sure all requirements are satisfied prior to applying to avoid re-inspection fees. All Items Must Pass Inspection Or A Certificate Will Not Be Issued.